Sunday, March 8, 2009

Research Paper -- How to Get Started

One of the biggest stresses for college students is the writing assignment, whether it is an essay, research project or a thesis. So you have just been assigned a big writing assignment and have no idea on how to get started and what makes a great paper. A few simple strategies will help you get started on your research paper and make the whole project go more smoothly.The first action most students will take is to Google their topic. This is a mistake for a number of reasons, most importantly the useless results you will receive will be a waste of time . The first thing you need to do is to decide on your angle. Say your assignment is "What effect do abortions have on the country?" Do you explore this from its political, health, historical, social, feminist, religious or even economic perspective? If the paper is five pages or less choose one angle and stick to the topic, but for a more in depth paper you could explore how these things interact.Now that you decided on a perspective for your research paper it is time to start collecting information related to the assignment. To avoid wasting time with unrelated or worst questionable sources you need to limit your searches to government and educational sources as well as peer reviewed journals.Even if you wisely timed your research to the above sources be sure to evaluate each one. First, is the source timely. Many universities and governments have been around for over a hundred years and you do not want these unless you are doing a historical perceptive that quotes research predating germ theory. Does the researcher have an agenda? Abortion Research from a catholic college and liberal college may both have strong biases. This does not mean their work should be dismissed out of hand, but examined more closely.After you have gathered ample source material it is time to start writing. Start with a paragraph that explains the topic of your research paper and outlines the points your wish to make. This will serve as your out line with the body paragraphs explaining and supporting points in this paragraph. Do not obsess if this paragraph is not perfect as this is a living document and will change many times until you turn it in.Now it is time to start writing the body of the research paper. Go point by point from your introductory paragraph. It is best to site and quote two sources for each point. Your can even explain and compare contradictory data and viewpoints. This is a great way to maintain your own objectivity as the author.Now it is time to let the paper rest. When your first write a paper it is impossible to read it without reading what you meant to write. After a good nights sleep give the paper a fresh read from top to bottom. Is the research paper clear? Does it make a point? Do you need to add or subtract information to cover your topic more completely? After answering those questions it is time to revise your document.When you are satisfied with your research paper it is time to have it proofread. You want three things from a proofreader. First, is the grammar and spelling perfect. Second, the proofreader should check if it is readable and that all of the ideas are complete. And finally the proofreader needs to be brutally honest as the person grading the paper will be.One final tip to writing a paper in a reasonable amount of time you need to find your voice. Have a conversation with yourself. The first draft should just flow out with total disregard to style and grammar. Once you have enough material written it is easy to rewrite and or revise your research paper. Good luck on your assignment.

By : Gene Grzywacz

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